丈夫跟女性朋友只是偶尔解决一下生理问题 火车外奔跑的公鹿 日本发射火星探测器 人类生来浑身赤裸、无依无靠 少女去山上静修后就失踪了 每个人都是罪有应得 很多人总是不告而别 经历了悲痛花魁杜十娘才能了解其他人的悲痛 有得有失上帝让你失去了某人会得到另一个人 三星半
Shoot down the baddies, strike a pose, get rich! The 2nd movie of the Dollars trilogy could be satirized in these terms, but how unfair would that be? You don’t watch Sergio Leone for deep philosophical insights, but for his filmmaking. For Ennio Morricone’s splendid scores too: he knows when to go silent, how to creep you out with dissonant strings, when to get synchronized and punctuate iconic gestures. He can charm with a chime, and soar into epicness or poise for a showdown. An interesting relationship between the two MC and internal conflicts among conspirators also make for a good story. But it's Maria Volonte as an eerie, brutal, cunning and even sensual villain who shines most.